Grass fed beef basics

Key differences between conventional and pasture-based animal production:

Traditionally, cattle are raised on pasture for the first months of their lives. The vast majority are transported to distant feedlots where they are raised in confinement and switched to a grain-based diet. As a cost-saving measure, their diet may also contain unsavory ingredients such as chicken manure, stale candy, and potato chips. To speed their growth and minimize the health problems that come from their stressful living conditions, the animals are treated with hormones, feed additives, and low-level antibiotics.

By contrast, animals raised on grass-based farms have dramatically different lives. Unlike feedlot animals, they remain on pasture from birth to market.. Their diet is their original diet — mother’s milk, fresh pasture and stored grasses such as hay or grass silage. They live such stress-free lives that they are supremely healthy and rarely require the use of pharmaceutical drugs. As in nature, their rate of growth is determined by their genetics and the quality of the forage, not hormonal implants or growth-promoting additives. For all these reasons and more, our products are healthy, wholesome, and natural in every sense of the word.